Chuckit Ultra Ball
Sprocket LOVES tennis balls but can bust them in few hard squeezes or will nip off all the fur. So we found these sweet natural rubber balls that are like tennis balls in size and fun, but are durable (even to Sprocket's jaws), no fur, and fit in a chuckit launcher. WIN!
Kong Frisbee
Sprocket has some, um, killer teeth. His giant pointy teeth don't penetrate this soft rubber that just flexes around them. We did loose our frisbee at the dog part where a little chomper did get his destructive chew going. So although this was great for Sprox, it's not gonna be for all dogs. We switched to the floppier & stronger extreme flyer but he likes it less.
Our version is green and has a totally fake rope made of rubber. It's better that way because Sprocket knows that nipping with his front teeth rips through fabric threads for quick destruction. This is our favorite: it unscrews at the base for easy filling and takes a fair effort to empty. Our fuzzy genius figured it out and empties the full 2 cups of kibble in about 20 minutes.
Atomic Treat Ball
This is one flings kibble around and is great fun as it's hard for Sprocket to guess which "nub" it's going to come flying out of or how it will roll. It's a bit of a pain to fill. Holds about 1 to 1.5 cups of kibble, and it still an old favorite.
Twist and Treat
Another great toy from Busy Buddy. Sprocket empties it too fast, but it's nice to put treats in or roll around on the floor. Sprocket knows this one as "Saucer".
Camp Bow Wow
Sprocket needs to play, and not just for a short time. No he needs to play all day long! When we drop Sprocket off at camp he's so excited he can hardly contain himself. He plays all day and we can watch him from their webcams online. He sometimes gets to stay at camp for a weekend while we're away and play endlessly. Worth every penny
The Honest Kitchen Dog Food
Kibble is convient and easy to store. Fresh raw is WAY healthier but so much harder to get and keep not to mention expensive. How about the perfect compromise? This is it. This is real food. It's taste tested for quality by humans. It's full of all the things a dog needs including nutrients and such that are destroyed in the heat of kibble creation.
Innova Red Meat Kibble
I wish could feed all Honest Kitchen all the time. Or for that matter, all raw all the time. But supplementing with a kibble breakfast seems to be a good plan for us. But, it has to be a really good kibble. This ingredient list reads more like a shopping list for the market than it does a kibble ingredient list. Good food, good health. (Recently purchased by a corporation - we'll be keeping tabs on that)